Do you often feel the desire to eat sweet foods, like candy, ice cream, or other sweet foods? Don't leave it! The desire to consume excessive food (sugar craving) can bring bad effects on health, you know. Actually eating sweet foods isn't always bad, as long as it's not excessive. It's just that people who experience sugar craving usually have the desire to eat sweet foods even if they are not hungry. This risks becoming a habit. If excessive, the habit of eating sweet foods can cause negative effects on health. Impact of Sugar Craving for Health Apart from habits, the desire to eat sweet foods can also be influenced by stress, lack of calorie intake, and lack of sleep. According to research, when the body feels fatigue due to these things, a person's desire to eat sweet foods tends to increase. In fact, sugary foods that are consumed in excess can increase the risk of developing diabetes, obesity, and tooth decay. The Indonesian Ministry of Health through ...